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Contract Law: Laws & Regulations

Contract Laws

Contract law developed largely as a product of the common law, and is not generally codified in statute. However, a jurisdiction may have codified laws on a particular topic (see right), and many states have adopted portions of the Uniform Commercial Code that deal with certain types of contracts (see below). 

The UCC and Contract Law

The model UCC is divided into several articles. The section most often relevant to contract law is Article 2: Sales, though other articles of the UCC may be applicable depending on the type of contract involved.

The current text of the model UCC can be accessed through the following sources:

Upon adopting the UCC, most states modified provisions of the model act. To locate the version of the UCC that governs your state, consult your state's annotated code. Check the index for 'Uniform Commercial Code'.


Federal Laws

To locate U.S. Code sections on your topic, consult the index to one of the federal annotated codes and look for relevant terms.

State Laws

To locate statutory code sections on your topic, consult the index to your state’s annotated code and look for relevant terms.


Federal Regulations

To locate federal regulations on your topic, consult the index to the Code of Federal Regulations and look for relevant terms such as Government Contracts.

State Regulations

To locate regulations on your topic, consult the index to your state’s administrative code and look for relevant terms.