The Restatements of the Law of Contracts are two of the most well-recognized and frequently-cited legal treatises in American law, and are heavily-cited non-binding authority in the area of contracts and commercial transactions.
You can use InfoHawk+, the University of Iowa's discovery tool, to search for relevant materials. For help using InfoHawk+ or locating items in the Law Library or other University of Iowa Libraries, try any of these resources:
Most of the Law Library's books and treatises relating to Contract Law are located on the 1st Floor in the KF 801-839, Use InfoHawk+, the Law Library's online catalog, to search for relevant materials (see tutorial below).
Major contract law books and treatises include:
Law journal articles may be found using an index to legal periodical literature. Three of the most widely used law journal indexes are the Index to Legal Periodicals, the Legal Scholarship Network, and LegalTrac. Each database provides multiple fields to search, including title, author, subject and keyword.
Once you have identified potentially relevant articles, use the print journal, Hein Online, JSTOR or another full-text database to retrieve the article(s). HeinOnline and JSTOR provide access to legal and non-legal journal literature, respectively. Both provide .PDF versions of articles, as well as search functionality. They are particularly useful for retrieving items with specific citations.
This comprehensive database combines access to EBSCO's Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (1981-present) and Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1908-1981), with access to more than 500 full-text journals not available in either of the Index to Legal Periodicals modules, and access to more than 100 full-text journals, many published in Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, that have not been previously available in any database. In full, Legal Source provides access to more than 880 full-text journals, with indexing (using the "Advanced Search") by title, author(s), subjects, court cases, statutes, books reviewed, languages, etc.
Indexes selected legal periodicals and essay collections published worldwide since 1960. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative law, and foreign law, in all key jurisdictions.
Indexes law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals, and international legal journals with coverage beginning in 1980. It also covers law-related articles from business and general interest titles.
Provides full text access to selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, philosophy, mathematics, and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Note that this database contains ONLY back issues, the JSTOR database does not include issues for the most recent 3 to 5 years. Consult the online tables of contents for specific holdings information as coverage varies for each title.