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Law of the Sea
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Law of the Sea: Congresses
Getting Started
Travaux Preparatiores and Commentaries
Law of the Sea Treaty
Law of the Sea by Region
UNCLOS Treaty Documents
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
Maritime Piracy
Getting Help
United Nations Conferences
L’Europe et la mer : Pêche, Navigation et Environnement Marin = Europe and the Sea : Fisheries, Navigation and Marine Environment
Association internationale du droit de la mer (Colloque : 2003 : Faculté de Droit de Cordoue)
In print at Law Library KJC2256.A6 A87 2003.
Official Records [United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (1st : 1958 : Geneva, Switzerland)]
In print at Government Information JX4408 .U554 1958.
Official Records : Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Geneva, 17 March-26 April 1960.
In print at Government Information JX4408 .U554 1960.
Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea : Official Records.
In print at Government Information JX4408 .U554 1973.
Various Conferences
Bringing New Law to Ocean Waters
Berkeley : Law of the Sea Institute, University of California
In print at Law Library KZA1141 .B75 2004.
Ecosystem Approaches and Oceans : Panel Presentations During the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (Consultative Process), Seventh meeting, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 12 to 16 June 2006.
In print at Law Library QH541.5.S3 U54 2006.
Sûreté Maritime et Violence en mer = Maritime Security and Violence at Sea
Association internationale du droit de la mer. Colloque (3rd : 2009 : La Coruña, Spain)
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .S87 2011.
Unresolved Issues and New Challenges to the Law of the Sea : Time Before and Time After
In print at Law Library KZA1141 .U57 2006.
The World Ocean in Globalisation : Climate Change, Sustainable Fisheries, Biodiversity, Shipping, Regional Issues
In print at Law Library KZA1141 .W67 2011.
Law of the Sea Institute (LOSI)
Arctic Ocean Issues in the 1980’s : Proceedings, Workshop, June 10-12, 1981, Mackinac Island, Michigan
In print at Law Library KZA1141 .A72 1981.
Bibliography on Latin America and the Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library Z6464.M2 S95.
Consensus and Confrontation : The United States and the Law of the Sea Convention : a Workshop of the Law of the Sea Institute, January 9-13, 1984, Honolulu, Hawaii
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .C678 1985.
Index to Proceedings II-VII : Containing the Results of the Institute’s 1966-1972 Annual Conferences
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1966-72 Index.
International Navigation : Rocks and Shoals Ahead?
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1986b.
Law of the Sea : a Bibliography of the Periodical Literature of the 1970s
In print at Law Library Z6464.M2 L5 1975.
Law of the Sea Briefing : Reflections on the Caracas Session of the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference
In print at Law Library KZA1047 1974.
Law of the Sea, Caracas and Beyond : Proceedings
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1975.
Law of the Sea : Conference Outcomes and Problems of Implementation : Proceedings
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1977.
The Law of the Sea : Needs and Interests of Developing Countries: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, June 26-29, 1972, at the University of Rhode Island
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1973.
Law of the Sea, Neglected Issues : Proceedings
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1979.
The Law of the Sea : Problems From the East Asian Perspective : Proceedings of Two Workshops of the Law of the Sea Institute Held in Seoul, Korea
In print at Law Library KZA1146.A785 L375 1987.
Law of the Sea: The Emerging Regime of the Oceans : Proceedings [of the] Eighth Annual Conference, June 18-21, 1973, University of Rhode Island, Kingston
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1974.
Marine Environmental Affairs Bibliography
In print at Law Library Z6464.M2 G3.
Regionalization of the Law of the Sea : Proceedings
In print at Law Library KZA1065.L39 A3 1978.
University of Virginia Center for Oceans Law and Policy
Current Marine Environmental Issues and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference
In print at Law Library KZA1664 .U55 2001.
Freedom of Seas, Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference (32nd : 2008 : Singapore)
In print at Law Library KZA1664 .U55 2008.
International Energy Policy, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference.
In print at Law Library KZA1664 .U55 2004.
The Law of the Sea Convention : US Accession and Globalization
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference (34th : 2010)
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .L374 2012.
Law, Science & Ocean Management
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference (30th : 2006 : Dublin Castle, Ireland).
In print at Law Library KZA1664 .U55 2006.
Legal Challenges in Maritime Security
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference (31st : 2007 : Heidelberg, Germany).
In print at Law Library K5250.A6 U96 2008.
Security Flashpoints : Oil, Islands, Sea Access, and Military Confrontation
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Seminar.
In print at Law Library KZA1141 .S43 1998.
The Stockholm Declaration and Law of the Marine Environment
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Conference.
In print at Law Library KZA1664 .U55 2002.
J.H.W. Verzijl Memorial Symposium
The International Legal Regime of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction : Current and Future Developments
J.H.W. Verzijl Memorial Symposium (4th : 2008 : Utrecht, Netherlands)
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .J19 2008.
Stability and Change in the Law of the Sea : The Role of the LOS Convention
J.H.W. Verzijl Memorial Symposium (3rd : 2004 : Utrecht, Netherlands)
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .J19 2004.
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