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Law of the Sea
Law of the Sea Treaty
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Law of the Sea: Law of the Sea Treaty
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Travaux Preparatiores and Commentaries
Law of the Sea Treaty
Law of the Sea by Region
UNCLOS Treaty Documents
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
Maritime Piracy
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United States Congress
Convention on the Law of the Sea : Report Together with Minority Views (to Accompany Treaty doc. 103-39)
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 1.1/2:Serial 15090.
The Law of the Sea Treaty and Reauthorization of the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Repr
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 4.M 53:103-97.
Military Implications of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, Second Session, April 8, 2004.
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 4.AR 5/3:S.HRG.108-796.
Treaty with Niue on Delimitation of a Maritime Boundary : Report (to Accompany Treaty doc. 105-53)
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 1.1/2:Serial 14751.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : Hearing Before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, Second Session, on March 23, 2004.
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 4.P 96/10:S.HRG.108-498.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : Hearing Before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, Second Session, May 12, 2004.
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 4.IN 8/16:N 21/3.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : Report (to accompany Treaty doc. 103-39).
In print at Law Documents Collection Y 1.1/2: Serial 14881.
Law of the Sea Treaty by Country
China and the Law of the Sea Convention : Follow the Sea
In print at Law Library KNQ970 .D38 1995.
China’s Marine Legal System and the Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KNQ970 .K49 2005.
China’s Ocean Frontier : International Law, Military Force, and National Development
In print at Law Library KZA1146.C6 A97 1998.
International Law : Cases and Materials with Australian Perspectives
In print at Law Library KU1985 .I584 2011.
The International Law of the Sea : India and UN Convention of 1982
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .S44 2009.
Korean Perspectives on Ocean Law Issues for the 21st century
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .C48 1999.
The Law of the Sea and Australian Off-shore Areas
In print at Law Library KU1006.8 .L86 1978.
Maritime Security : International Law and Policy Perspectives from Australia and New Zealand
In print at aw Library KVC982.T47 M37 2009.
Mexico and the Law of the Sea : Contributions and Compromises
In print at Law Library KZA1146.M48 V37 2011.
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Law of the Sea : An Analysis of Vietnamese Behavior Within the Emerging International Oceans Regime
In print at Law Library KZA1146.V5 F37 1998.
South Africa and the Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KZA1146.S6 V73 2011.
Towards Principled Oceans Governance : Australian and Canadian Approaches and Challenges
In print at aw Library KZA1146.A8 T69 2006.
Comparative Ocean Governance : Place-based Protections in an Era of Climate Change
In print at Law Library K3485 .C73 2012.
Definitions for the Law of the Sea : Terms not Defined by the 1982 Convention
In print at Law Library KZA1125 .D44 2012.
Dispute Resolution in the Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .K37 2012.
The ICJ and the Development of International Law : The Enduring Impact of the Corfu Channel Case
In print at Law Library KZ6275 .I25 2012.
The International Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .T36 2012.
Law of the Sea Briefing : Reflections on the Caracas Session of the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference
In print at Law Library KZA1047 1974.
The Law of the Sea Convention : US Accession and Globalization
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .L374 2012.
Law of the Sea in Dialogue
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .L3787 2011.
Making the Law of the Sea : A Study in the Development of International Law
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .H375 2011.
Maritime Power and the Law of the Sea : Expeditionary Operations in World Politics
In print at Law Library KZA1560 .K73 2011.
Reflections on the Contemporary Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KZA1145 .T84 2012.
Shipping Interdiction and the Law of the Sea
In print at Law Library KZ6580 .G85 2011.
UNCLOS and Ocean Dispute Settlement : Law and Politics in the South China Sea
In print at Law Library KZA1120.3 .H66 2012.
Travaux Preparatiores and Commentaries
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