Find the full title of an English language legal publication, including those covering international and comparative law, by entering an abbreviation. The database mainly covers law reports and legal periodicals, but some legislative publications and major textbooks are also included.
Information and articles focused on international and foreign law research. The guides and articles published are written by scholars well known in their respective fields.
This resource is a fully revised version of the 1992 print edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law.Thisedition contains 1,700 articles and includes over 700 new topics not addressed in the previous edition. It also expands coverage in the areas of international criminal law, international dispute settlement, trade law, and environmental law. It is part of Oxford's Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law. Access to this title is via a combined database called Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law. To search this title, enter search words and filter by "Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law."
Provides full text access to cases, legislative codes, books, journals, and other primary and secondary materials from countries around the world in the original language of publication. The service's embedded translation software produces automatic translations that provide guidance but do not produce reliable, official translations. The content is continuously updated and can be browsed or searched. Use the "Browse" link to access specific jurisdictions.
Legal Information Institutes (multijurisdictional groupings):
Provides full text access to court decisions and legislation from England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales as well as decisions from specialized UK tribunals. Also includes decisions from the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the European Court of Human Rights.
A free, full text, searchable database of U.S. federal primary materials including the U.S. Code, every U.S. Supreme Court case issued since 1990 and selected earlier decisions, and the Code of Federal Regulations. The site also serves as a portal to additional federal and state legal materials including statutes, cases, and administrative regulations.
Researchers can search the full text of legal information resources hosted by a variety of Legal Information Institutes and organizations such as the Australasian Legal Information Institute; British and Irish Legal Information Institute; Canadian Legal Information Institute; Cornell's Legal Information Institute; Droit Francophone; Global Legal Information Network; Hong Kong Legal Information Institute; Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute; South African Legal Information Institute and more. The emphasis is on providing access to the court decisions and legislation of specific countries but some treaties and other international legal materials are also included.