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Legal Research - Online Modules: Home

Welcome to the Online Legal Research Modules! Legal Research by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0

The law librarians at the University of Iowa Law Library have created these Legal Research Modules to help you:

  • Examine a research assignment and then work to compile and implement a research strategy or plan of attack. 
  • Evaluate primary and secondary resources to select appropriate resources and begin active research of a given legal issue. 
  • Conduct legal research to locate, and expand upon, potentially relevant resources. 
  • Demonstrate effective use of a citator to evaluate, update, and expand your research. 


For the best learning experience, we encourage you to visit each module, one at a time, and follow the instructions on the top of the module page. While each module can be taken/assigned as a stand-alone, 1-hour instructional session, we encourage you to complete all of the modules. The suggested order of completion is as follows: 

  1. Research Planning Module
  2. Secondary Resources Module
  3. Constitutions & Statutes Module (federal only)
  4. Case Law Module
  5. Searching Topics Module
  6. Administrative Law Module (federal only) 
  7. Citators Module
  8. Legislative History Module (federal only)


While there are many resources available to you as law students, and later attorneys, the Legal Research Modules focus primarily on the use of Lexis, Westlaw, and the law library's collections. Additional resources relevant to a particular topic, both electronic and print, are available on the library's A-Z Databases list and various research guides

If you find yourself needing further assistance or have questions, contact a member of the Reference Team in person (2nd floor by Circulation Desk), by email (, or by phone (319-335-9005). Remember, the law librarians at the University of Iowa are always here to help you!

Getting Help


See a Librarian in the Reference Office on Level 2 of the Law Library or call 319-335-9005 during the hours the desk is staffed.

Members of the University of Iowa academic community can also email questions to the Reference staff.

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